Summer Recipe Refresh: Beat the Heat with Fresh and Light Delights
As the Dubai summer sun blazes high in the sky, there's no better time to refresh your culinary repertoire with a collection of light and invigorating recipes featuring Greeneration's specialty ingredients. Greeneration Edible Flowers in Dubai are the best solution for hot summer! From vibrant salads to chilled soups and cold appetizers, these dishes are designed to keep you cool and satisfied even on the hottest of days.

Calendula and Viola Mix Salad with Lemon Verbena Dressing

Start your summer meal on a refreshing note with a vibrant Calendula and Viola Mix salad. Combine the crisp petals of Calendula flowers with the delicate Viola Mix and add a touch of peppery freshness with Mizuna leaves. Drizzle the salad with a zesty Lemon Verbena dressing for a burst of citrusy flavor that perfectly complements the floral notes of the flowers. This salad is not only visually stunning but also a delightful explosion of taste and texture, making it an ideal appetizer or light meal option for any summer gathering.

Borage and Mizuna Chilled Cucumber Soup

When the temperature soars, there's nothing more satisfying than a chilled soup to cool you down. Beat the heat with a refreshing chilled cucumber soup infused with the subtle cucumber-like flavor of Borage and the peppery bite of Mizuna. Simply blend fresh cucumbers with Borage leaves and Mizuna greens until smooth, then chill thoroughly before serving. Garnish the soup with fresh Borage flowers for an extra touch of elegance and a pop of color. This soup is not only hydrating and refreshing but also packed with nutrients, making it the perfect summer starter or light lunch option.

Verbena Leaf Infused Watermelon Gazpacho

Take your taste buds on a refreshing journey with a twist on the classic gazpacho by adding fragrant Verbena Leaves to a vibrant watermelon base. Simply puree ripe watermelon with Verbena Leaves until smooth, then chill thoroughly before serving. The result is a cooling and invigorating soup that will leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Serve garnished with fresh mint leaves for an extra burst of freshness.

To inspire you to get creative in the kitchen and experiment with new flavors and ingredients, Greeneration is pleased to offer exclusive discounts on select items. Whether you're a seasoned chef or a novice cook, now is the perfect time to stock up on fresh and nutritious ingredients to elevate your summer dining experience.

Beat the summer heat with Greeneration's specialty ingredients and embark on a culinary journey filled with refreshing and light delights. From salads to soups, our versatile products are sure to inspire you to create delicious and memorable dishes that capture the essence of summer.

So why wait? Dive into summer with Greeneration and discover the endless possibilities of seasonal cooking. Your taste buds will thank you!