Microgreens and Edible Flowers in Restaurants: Decoration or Delicate Taste?
Can you eat the flowers and microgreens that adorn dishes in restaurants? Many people don't realize how much attention producers of specialty greens and chefs devote to these components on the plates.
Greeneration's experts analyze the taste qualities of all their products: microgreens, edible flowers, baby leaves, and specialty greens. We delicately grow and supply these components for future restaurant dishes. Chefs craft menus considering the flavor nuances of microgreens as part of the dish. We would like to share how our views on microgreens in haute cuisine have changed.

Aleksandra, CEO Greeneration AE
Long before I started working with edible greens, I was somewhat indifferent to microgreens and flowers in food. I thought they were used merely for beauty. I saw flowers in cocktails and desserts purely as decoration. I never thought about the benefits and taste qualities of such products. My friends' reactions to microgreens and flowers in dishes were quite similar: "Wait, can you eat that?"
Vitaliy, Project Manager Greeneration AE
There's a rule: "Only eat what's on the plate." This is gradually rooted in public consciousness, but people often set aside flowers. I believe this depends on our awareness, education, prejudices, and traditions.
The use of flowers and microgreens in restaurant cuisine is not a very old tradition. When I became part of the Greeneration family, many secrets of the microgreen world became incredible discoveries for me, which I wanted to share with others.
Restaurant chefs showcase their skill, embodying professionalism in their menu dishes. They don't impose inedible or unexplainable things on their guests. Chefs can see wonderful opportunities in using edible specialty greens and flowers in dishes. Greeneration's specialists help them realize the most impressive culinary ideas.

There's an increasing discussion on social media about beneficial and beautiful food. Trends in restaurant cuisine align with these trends: we often see "healthy" sections on menus. For those concerned about their health, restaurants prepare special menus. How does Greeneration's produce become an integral part of a healthy kitchen and lifestyle?
Aleksandra, CEO Greeneration AE
As producers, we carefully monitor the quality of all our products. This involves high freshness and the absence of harmful elements. In our catalog, you can find descriptions of the taste and color of all the crops we grow. Customers can always ensure the complete match between our products and the catalog. We always provide chefs with our samples – product samples for developing new dishes on the restaurant's menu.

Vitaliy, Project Manager Greeneration AE

Greeneration's products are vibrant visual accents while being incredibly delicious! As an expert, I can state that many types of specialty greens taste similar to mature plants, offering unique flavor profiles. For instance, young basil might have hints of tarragon, or microgreen borage might exude a vibrant cucumber aroma. Our farm's products are highly beneficial: seeds contain a rich array of nutrients – a concentration of goodness in a small sprout. These are the products we supply to restaurants where you can enjoy the benefits of these dishes.

Are microgreens and edible flowers in the world of haute cuisine considered food? Absolutely. Are they decoration? Certainly. Do they contribute to and complement the taste profile of dishes? Absolutely!

We know the truth about microgreens, specialty greens, baby leaves and edible flowers. Our specialists understand the natural beauty and benefits of Greeneration's produce. Dubai's chefs agree with our views on the world of haute cuisine. We genuinely hope that microgreens will be perceived differently by you too.

Join the Greeneration family! Learn more every day about the secrets of specialty greens and our farm's produce. Follow us on our socials: Instagram, LinkedIn.