Install hydroponic units at your campus
Receive access to our digital platform with 100+ hours of sustainability content
We'll take care of all the complexities at every step:
3 easy steps for sustainability education pack integration:
Let’s connect to find a perfect solution for your school
#zerowaste #foodsecurity #sustainability #STEM_education
Start growing and teaching: Inspired Teachers, Passionate children, Happy parents, Grateful planet
Train school staff
Deliver and set up the equipment
Update content
Refill consumables
We'll take care of all the complexities at every step:
Train school staff
Deliver and set up the equipment
Update content
Refill consumables
Install hydroponic units at your campus
Receive access to our digital platform with 100+ hours of sustainability content
Step 02
Enjoy result: Inspired Teachers, Passionate children, Happy parents, Grateful planet
Step 03
3 easy steps for sustainability education pack integration:
Step 01
Indoor and outdoor hydroponic system for your educational institution
Your indoor garden only needs 1 square meter of space. Easy-to-follow instruction manual and assembly in less than 3 hours.
You can grow different varieties of herbs and leafy greens, Kohlrabi, tomatoes, cucumbers, peas and edible flowers throughout the school year – for yourselves and for your community.
It allows you to produce food all year round, using less land and water, and emitting less greenhouse gas than traditional farming methods.
Over the course of ten weeks, you will learn how to plant, germinate, maintain, and harvest your own greens indoors at school.
Easy To Use, Easy To Enjoy
Interactive Learning Activities
Online digital platform
Easy to use (web version, adaptive mobile version). Works from the cloud with secure accounts for teachers and students.
24/7 online support
Technical specialists and teachers-practitioners always stay in touch
Mixed learning format
We prepare notes and tips for educators, video tutorials, webinars, online cases, offline meetings, course projects, practical tasks and tests, assessment mechanisms, community challenges
Localized curriculum (K-12)
Developed by former UAE education practitioners
Professional studio quality videos
Offline workshops
and training
Curriculum Overview
This content can be used in any sequence, by any teacher, in any timetabled lesson or school activity. Satellite modules are designed to give multiple teachers the utmost flexibility, and to support their existing schemes of work and learning objectives
Growing our garden
A step-by-step, weekly guide to growing fresh, local food at school using your indoor AgTech
What opportunities for more sustainable living are afforded by new Technologies, approaches, and innovation?
Unlock sustainable lifestyle
Refuse, Reduce, Re-use, Recycle
As environmental stewards, how can we reduce, reuse, recycle, and rethink our consumption?
Reinventing agriculture
As our natural environment changes, what might the future of food production look like -on this planet, or another?
Humanity’s impact on our planet
How can humans ensure planet Earth will sustainably support current and future generations?
Eating with the sense
How can we smell, taste, and cook our way to healthy, food literate communities?
Satellite modules
Explore 6 thematic topics, offering a mix-and-match menu of lessons and learning engagements that drive sustainability education across subjects.
Get free test access to our online digital platform
Who we are
Greeneration is a local company whose global mission is to solve
the problems of providing food for a growing population.
3500+ graduates (including children) who transformed their approach to nutrition and perspective on the world
3 years of continuous work on the Eastern European market
37 students who established their own businesses in city-farming
Over 100 individuals who secured jobs in the industry
Collaboration with 3 top Agricultural Universities
Urban farming laboratories for educating schoolchildren and students
Let’s connect to find a perfect solution for your school
Take the next step by enrolling your school into Greeneration Academy's education program and help create a better future for our planet