Stream 10
december 1st
3 month
City farm
Build and launch your own city farm: from cultivation technology and equipment to financial models and sales system
from $37/month
11 modules
24 lessons
Igor Intriligator
City farming
Build and launch your own city farm: from cultivation technology and equipment to financial models and sales system
as a
as a business
Whom are we helping?
This course is for all those who appreciate proper nutrition, stick to vegetarianism or veganism, as well as for those who prefer to eat fresh and high-quality greens
Entrepreneurs who want to build a successful and profitable business on city farms
Anyone who wants to change career paths, learn a new profession, or improve their skills
Chefs and nutritionists who care about cooking only with ultra-fresh greens
In the next 12 weeks you will learn:
• Grow greens, salads, and herbs without soil in any part of your city
• Understand nutrient requirements and improve plant nutrition
• Choose planting material, control the growth and development of plants
#Agronomist skills:
• Determine if the premises are suitable for running a city farm
• Choose the necessary equipment or build your own setups for growing greens
• Select and adjust the plant lighting system
• Understand layout systems, equipment, and plumbing systems
#Engineer Skills:
• Maintain management and financial records of your business
• Build and maintain a sales system for your business
#Entrepreneurial Skills

Course program

Live webinar: introduction to the course and history of hydroponics
Igor Intriligator, city farming expert, course curator.

During this live webinar, we will:
– Get to know the experts and the course team;
– Define the concept of hydroponics and explore its historical origins, including the development of city farming around the world;
– Analyze the types of city farming and key areas for development in the UAE;
– Discuss a portrait of a city farmer, the competency model, and key skills needed for development;
– Discuss the course structure, the main modules and key points in the program, and the formats of work on the platform and throughout the course;
– Answer all your questions
Module 1: Overview of soilless growing systems
Mikhail Kiselev, chief engineer

In this lesson, we will:
– Review plants suitable for hydroponic cultivation
– Discuss the sustainability of the hydroponic growing method
– Explore the types of hydroponic systems, their advantages and disadvantages
• Wick system
• Deep water culture system or DWC
• Intermittent flooding system
• Drip irrigation system
• Nutrient film technique or NFT
• Aeroponics
– Learn how to choose the right and most efficient system
Module 2: Selecting crops for growing
Andrey Galgashov, city farming expert

In this lesson, we will:
– Conduct a complete overview of crops suitable for hydroponic cultivation
– Discuss the most promising plants to grow at the moment
– Get to know the characteristics of crops that affect cultivation methods
– Learn all about the plant growth cycle
– Learn how to organize production, taking into account the cycle and phases of plant growth
Module 3: Growing microgreens
Kristina Kuklina, agronomist

In this lesson, you will:
– Understand what microgreens are
– Familiarize yourself with its varieties and types
– Discuss the benefits of growing this type of plant
– Get to know the problems and "diseases" of microgreens
– Learn about the costs associated with producing microgreens
– Discuss pricing and calculate the cost price
– Make a selection and purchase of planting material
Module 4: Basic parameters of growing systems

Mikhail Kiselev, chief engineer

In this lesson, you will:
– Review the factors influencing the plant environment:
• EC
• pH
• temperature
• filtering
• sanitation
– Understand the underlying physicochemical principles of each factor
– Familiarize yourself with the relationships between factors and their degree of influence on each other
– Learn how to control systemic factors
– Learn how to choose the right equipment to control systemic factors
– Learn what TDS and pH meters are
– Understand and learn how to choose devices

Kristina Kuklina, agronomist

In the lesson we:
– Get to know the mechanism of action of TDS and pH meters
– Understand how to organize the storage of device data
Module 5: Plant nutrition

Mikhail Kiselev, chief engineer

In this lesson, you will:
– Understand the features of mineral nutrition in hydroponic growing plants
– Discuss questions about water hardness
– Learn the elemental and salt composition of the nutrient solution
– Get to know the main types of nutrients
– Get to know the formulas of nutrient solutions
– Discover how to formulate and prepare a nutrient solution
– Familiarize yourself with the types of professional nutrient solution control equipment

Alexey Raev, agrochemist

In this lesson, we will:
– Learn how to prepare the nutrient solution
– Learn to keep an agro journal
– Discuss how to analyze what happens to the solution at different stages of preparation
– Learn the solution algorithm
Module 6: Fundamentals of lighting engineering and photosynthesis
LESSON 1. Basic concepts of hydroponic light

• Vladislav Terekhov, Senior Research Fellow, VNISI. S.I. Vavilov
• Alexander Khoniy, an expert in lighting technology

In this lesson, you will:
– Get to know the concept of hydroponic light
– Learn about key systems of quantities and how they are measured
– Understand basic photo pigments
– Discuss the specific reactions of photopigments to lighting
– Solve the issue of spectral preferences of different cultures
– Familiarize yourself with optimal lighting levels for major crops
– Understand how the spectrum affects the development of plants
– Discuss what kind of lighting is suitable for plants in the vegetative and reproductive stages of development
– Talk about using light to control plant growth and taste
LESSON 2. Selection of lighting

Alexander Khoniy, lighting expert

In this lesson, we will:
– Explore what the lamp consists of and what to look for when choosing it
– Learn about the degree of influence of lighting on heating and cooling
– Calculate electricity requirements
– Choose a timer or smart socket to automate lighting
Module 7: Microclimate
Mikhail Kiselev, chief engineer

In this lesson, you will:
– Get to know the concept of microclimate and its main components
– Understand the features of the microclimate in sheltered structures
– Discuss how to control plant climate parameters
– Understand how to create a favorable microclimate in your room
– Learn about the types of climate control equipment and the selection algorithm
Module 8: Build a DIY home mini farm (NFT)
Kuklin Alexander, Leading Design Engineer of City Farms and Mobile Growing Systems

In this lesson, we will:
– Understand what consumables you need to purchase to assemble the NFT system
– Discuss the necessary list of assembly tools
– Learn how to assemble the installation, go through the key assembly steps
– Conduct a test run of the installation and its demonstration
Module 9: Premises selection and equipment installation
Andrey Galgashov, city farming expert

In this lesson, we will:
– Learn about the ideal location of the farm in the city, its distance from consumers, and its transport accessibility
– Discuss the room's configuration, including columns, rooms, ancillary areas, and doors
– Understand the structural features of the walls: wall material, moisture resistance, thermal insulation
– Discuss the structure of the ceiling, the optimal height, and the presence of beams
– Pay attention to the floors, including the material and their condition
– Address the need for ventilation or exhaust and windows in the room
– Learn how to design a drainage system and use an already-designed sewerage system
– Learn the necessary minimum about organizing electricity in the production room
– Discuss the importance of neighbors, hazardous industries, and their impact on the production facility

Module 10: Economics and finance
Andrey Galgashov, city farming expert

In this lesson, we will:
– Answer the question "Why keep records?"
– Understand the differences between management accounting and accounting
– Define the concepts: profit, revenue, cost, expenses
– Calculate the break-even point
– Understand key management reports
– Understand how to set salaries for employees
– Discuss how to build the financial model of the business
Module 11: Establishing sales
Andrey Galgashov, city farming expert

In this lesson, we will:
– Get to know the sales markets and methods of their evaluation and analysis
– Deal with product pricing
– Learn what a sales system is and how to build it
– Understand marketing tools and market promotion
– Master the key principles of working with restaurants and shops
– Talk about packaging and presentation
– Discuss the issue of product certification and its necessity for sales
Module 12: Edible flowers and Ingredients
Elvira Murzina, agronomist

In this lesson, we will learn:
– What are specialty greens and what are the benefits of growing them
– Where and what are edible flowers used for?
– Classification of edible flowers by type of use and origin
– How to distinguish between edible flowers and some types of their poisonous “twins”
– Use of edible flowers in cooking
– How to combine the cultivation of greenery and edible flowers
– Features of systems for growing flowers
Module 13: Diseases and pests
Elvira Murzina, agronomist

In this lesson, we will learn:
– What phytopathology is and the subject of its study
– What diseases do plants have and what pests threaten them
– What quarantine objects are and why they are so dangerous
– How pathogens and pests can enter the farm
– Symptoms of major diseases and pests
– Control and prevention measures
– Biological methods of control and their advantages
– Preventive measures
– Beneficial insects
– What can stand on a par with us on the guard of city farms
Live webinar. Summing up and answering questions
Igor Intriligator, city farming expert, course curator

During this live webinar, we will:
– Sum up everything we've learned
– Define the next steps
– Answer your questions
Final test
point A
point B
During the course, I assembled a test setup, prepared the room and made the first planting of Lollo lettuce.

I then found clients and secured a few contracts. We are now building a farm - our experimental plant will not cover the demand.

According to preliminary agreements, we are ready to take the volume of 100 kg of greens / month.

We are now receiving a loan at 6.5% from our business support center.

We establish capacities and start deliveries under contracts.
Before the course, I had thoughts about the city farming business, tried to grow Microgreens, studied the demand.
«I've been thinking about the city farming business, tried to grow Microgreens, studied the demand. I took the course for new knowledge and experience of colleagues»
Artyom Astakhov
point A
point B
In January 2022, I won a tender for the supply of his products to one of the largest food retailers
Since April 2020, we started researching this topic with a friend. At the end of December 2020, they launched a microgreen farm, selling about 1,000 boxes per month.
«We grow things hydroponically. I took the course to get more knowledge and study the experience of large farms.»
point А
point B
Launched a city farm that sells microgreens and edible flowers to restaurants, individuals and marketplaces
There is no experience in growing, but there is some experience in marketing and a project in the field of IT. The goal was to immediately build a farm and start a business
«Hi all! I'm Alena. I got carried away with the topic of city farming not so long ago, but I was very inspired. I want to open my own city farm in the near future.»
Alena Lagutina
point А
point B
We assembled the installation of periodic flooding with a tank of 60 liters. New customers came, and 2 new restaurants

Access to stores and resolving issues with documents. Product packaging, "brand" and social networks. Income $6400. per month. (growth +33%)
For two years I was growing vegetables and berries in pots on the ground. In year 1 I would sell to acquaintances, friends, and one restaurant. There was no installation, watering was carried out manually. Income in the best weeks is about $4800 per month.
«I came to the course to scale my project, and improve my knowledge in technology and sales.»
Ekaterina Fisher
point А
point B
After training, I figured out that the microclimate for certain species is different, and that it is necessary to control the acidity and salt content in the solution, as well as to monitor the humidity, as well as to monitor separate nutrition for seedlings and adult plants.
Now I grow peas and basil.

The customer base has not changed, the selling price and the quality of the plants have changed, and requests from other customers have begun to appear, but I cannot provide the volume for them, need to expand.

For the next couple of years, there are plans to open a 150-300m2 farm for growing basil and microgreens, but in stages.

I started my journey with self-made hydroponics, there was no understanding of anything, I knew what the solution needed to be done and the light to be installed, and the result was so-so. did not understand why the plants did not grow as they should be.

«I heard about city farming half a year before training, I saw it, I liked it, and I decided to figure it out. Experience in growing greens - 0. I came to the course to open a small farm as a business.»
Vartan Serefyan
Course instructors:
City farming
Andrey Galgashov
Vladislav Terekhov
Kristina Kuklina
GroBro CEO
Alexey Raev
in lighting engineering
Alexander Khoniy
City farming
Igor Intriligator
Head City
Farming Laboratories
Maya Khachaturian
  • Expert in food production
  • Expert of the distance business accelerator IIDF
  • 25 years of running his own company "Unigel"
  • Cooperates with well-known stores and partners, such as Vkusvil, District Kitchen, ChefMarket, Elementaree
  • Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Photoculture, VNISI
  • Head of Lighting Promotion Department, BL GROUP Corporation
  • Deputy General Director for Development, Energy Saving Company Novy Svet
  • 15 years of experience in the field of lighting technology
  • 4 years of experience in the field of phyto-lighting
  • Over 5 years of experience growing microgreens, edible flowers, baby bodice and herbs
  • Launched a workshop with an area of 300 sq.m. for the production of microgreens and edible flowers for the Moskovsky agricultural complex
  • Developed 5 technological maps for growing more than 50 different crops
  • Managed the production of microgreens
  • More than 7 years of experience in consulting and selecting equipment for fruit and vegetable, spice and essential oil crops
  • Developer and manufacturer of GroBro's proprietary nutrient solutions line
  • Since 2016, he has been developing and designing home and semi-industrial hydroponic systems
  • More than 10 years of experience in lighting engineering and equipment tuning. Has been active for the last five years.
  • More than 15 years of entrepreneurial experience in the fields of fintech and foodtech
  • 7 years of experience in agriculture and agro-tech
  • Was among the contenders for the AgroCode Awards in the nomination "Leader of the Year"
  • More than 5 years of experience in growing plants in open and closed ground.
  • In the Laboratory of Plant Biotechnology, the GBS RAS selected the optimal conditions for the reproduction and rooting of plants in vitro, the maintenance of a bank of plants (rhododendrons), and the care of plants in a greenhouse.
Start: December 1st
Left: 17 seats
  • Interest-free installment for 10 months
  • Payment starts from the 2nd month
Full course fee
  • 11 modules, 24 lessons
  • 2 live webinars
  • Mentor support
  • General chat
  • General chat with an expert
  • Excursion to the farm
  • Knowledge base (30+ materials)
  • 6 months of access after the course
satisfied students

About the school


Greeneration is an online school with the best experts in city farming. All courses are pre-recorded, and the online format allows you to study from anywhere in the world at the most convenient time.
If you have any questions related to training or purchasing a course, contact us via a messenger of your choice:
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